Answer sheets

Some candidates have reached out to me requesting to see my checked answer scripts. I appeared for an 8-test GS Mains series and a 3-test essay series between November-December 2020; I am attaching below the evaluated scripts for all of them. I wrote all tests in simulated exam conditions and only saw the question paper when I sat for the mock (on the date written on top of each booklet). Besides these eleven tests, I wrote another 9-10 unevaluated mock exams in the same period – two for Economics II and the rest for GS.

For the sake of comparison, I am providing my own marks in these mock tests along with the median mark in the same exam in parenthesis. For example, if I scored 100/250 and the median candidate scored 125, I’d write this as 100 (125). Hope this is helpful.

NameTest 1Test 2Test 3 Actual score
Essay108 (104)102 (110)118 (113)133/250
GS194 (93)89.5 (86)100/250
GS2104 (88.5)111 (93.5)115/250
GS3107 (88.5)108 (95.5)97/250
Ethics94 (95)97 (99.5)131/250

Ethics: Test 1, Test 2

Essay: Test 1, Test 2, Test 3

General Studies 1: Test 1, Test 2

General Studies 2: Test 1, Test 2

General Studies 3: Test 1, Test 2

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